Approved Driving Instructors - Category DE

Here we list Irish driving instructors and driving schools providing driving lessons for the "DE" licence category. Browse the list below to find your nearest ADI for this category.
Male driving instructor
Driving Instructor: Richard Lelas
Registered ADI: 41514
Profile Updated November 18, 2023
Licence Categories: , , , , ,
Car Type: automatic
Tuition Area: Athy, Kildare
Male driving instructor
Driving Instructor: Gerard Burke
Registered ADI: 41465
Profile Updated January 2, 2023
Licence Categories: , , , , , , , ,
Tuition Area: Mayo, Neale
Instructor:Richard Lelas
ADI Number: 41514
Category:, , , , ,
Car Type:automatic
Tuition Area: Athy, Kildare
Updated November 18, 2023
Instructor:Gerard Burke
ADI Number: 41465
Category:, , , , , , , ,
Tuition Area: Mayo, Neale
Updated January 2, 2023